Catlanta on the Prowl in Decatur

Who is Catlanta and where will the feral feline strike next?
Here’s as much as I know:
Catlanta is a guerrilla street artist. He plants his original works throughout the alleys, main streets and gardens of the metropolitan area, a few at a time, and allows his growing legion of followers to find them and adopt them (at last count, about 3500 on Twitter and Facebook.) The pieces are generally a stylized image of a cat with a heart on its chest , a mask across its eyes, and the Catlanta signature.
Update: here’s an image of a typical Catlanta piece.
Saturday Catlanta hit Decatur, placing his prizes at Agnes Scott College, the junction box on Commerce, and on the front lawn of St.Thomas More Catholic Church. Not even the most cat-like passerby would have spotted them without a hint.
Catlanta drops hints via Facebook and Twitter about the neighborhood he’s stalking and then publishes photos on Flickr with a just broad enough composition to allow the average cat fancier to identify the site and pick up the prize. Departing from his usual MO (meow ordinaire) Catlanta left Easter Eggs, each containing a miniature cat magnet or a clue to find a more elaborate treasure.
I’d like nothing more than to show you his work, but my attempts to contact him through Facebook, Twitter and Flickr have been met with a feline disdain.
Other, better reporters have stalked him successfully, including the Cats Nation News (aka CNN) , our favorite Creative Loafing, and a comprehensive story on the paste and paper blog.
If the elusive cat will respond to this blog and give me permission, I’ll update with pictures of his work and of the Decatur locations he selected. (Update: the gracious Catlanta let me know I could share these new pictures with you. Thanks, Catlanta!)
In the meantime, you can see his images here, you can like him on Facebook, and you can follow his Twitter feed. That little bird better watch out.
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4 Responses to Catlanta on the Prowl in Decatur

  1. jamey g says:


    Love the blog post. I’ve been reading up on Catlanta due to your tweets. Have you seen the documentary “Exit Through the Gift Shop”? It was a nice introduction to Street Art.

    • maryflad says:

      Thanks for stopping by JamesG. Always nice to hear from you. I have not seen Exit Through yet; it’s somewhere on the Netflix list. I’m sure Catlanta would be pleased to find himself in the same post as Banksy.

      • James W.G. says:

        Move it up. Although I wonder if Bill will let it pass by “The League” on the queue.

  2. Nonie Ravenberg says:

    Thanks for this skillful and persistent reporting, Mary. Not to mention informative: I had no idea we were supposed to adopt this little gems! I have seen this artwork before and I missed the chance to have it for myself. I want one!

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